Monday, April 6, 2015

What are vitamins?

What are vitamins
Vitamins are organic substances required an organism very small amount to sustain life. Although it needed a little, it has a great importance for maintaining life. There are 13 vitamins needed in our body. They are essential because they cannot synthesize in the body (except vitamin D & K), therefore they must be obtained from food. Insufficient amount of vitamin may cause deficiency diseases.

Types of vitamin:
Vitamins are classified into two categories-Fat soluble vitamins and Water soluble vitamins.

Fat soluble vitamins:
They are dissolved in fat and reserved in the body almost a month. They are storage in the fatty tissues as well as the liver. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamin. They are absorbed in the GI tract with the help of fat. They are eliminated much more slowly than water-soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins:
They are soluble in water and soon get expelled in the urine after ingested. They do not storage in the body and so needed daily. They rapidly absorbed in the body. Vitamin C and vitamin B complex are water soluble vitamins.


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