Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why Mammals can not Synthesize vitamin C

Water soluble vitamins:
They are soluble in water and soon get expelled in the urine after ingested. They do not stored in the body and so needed daily. They rapidly absorbed in the body. Vitamin C and vitamin B complex are water soluble vitamins.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin because the body needs it to remain proper working condition. It participates in the collagen synthesis. Collagen is a connective tissue that holds muscles, bones, and another tissue together. It is an antioxidant also aid wound healing, bone and tooth formation and improves in an immune system. It plays an important role in iron absorption and utilization.

Food sources:

Vitamin C is very common in plant especially in the citrus fruits. Leafy green vegetables and colorful fruits  contain the large amount of vitamin C. Oranges, Kiwi fruits, grapes, lemons, sweet red pepper etc. have plenty of vitamin C.

RDA (Recommended dietary allowance):
Recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C is 90mg/day for adult males and 75mg/day for adult females. Those who smoke cigarettes the RDA  increases by 35mg/day to reduce the oxidative effect of nicotine.

Structure of vitaminC:

Vitamin C deficiency:
Severe deficiency of vitamin C may result in the disease known as scurvy, causing the loss of collagen strength  through the body. Loss of collagen results in loose teeth, bleeding and swollen gums and improve wound healing.It is more common in children and alcohol consuming people.

Causes of Vitamin C deficiency:
This is due to lack of the vitamin in the diet. The risk factors includes-
  • People who take alcohol.
  • Babies who take only cow’s milk during childhood.
  • Elderly individuals who take a tea- toast diet.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • People with Type-1 diabetes.
  • People with AIDS and cancers.
Mammals can not Synthesize vitamin C:

The human body lack the ability to synthesize vitamin C, therefore, depend on dietary sources of vitamin C.They lack the enzyme called L-gluconolactone oxidase which convert L-gluconolactone to L-ascorbic acid.


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